Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Post-election Treatise

I lied to you about my "final pre-election" speak out and now I lie again in regard to "my final post-election" treatise. Like Biden,Obama,Clinton and just about all politicians,lying can grow on you :) But I'm no politician ! :)

As are most of such emails, this one is written by me, for me, a vent, so to speak. Some of you might read it, even pass it along, and some will discard it either before of after reading it. Not many, if any, will have their minds changed or charged since most of the recipients will be similarly inclined and find nothing new or challenging. Although I will send this to a few Democrats, I'm not certain of their true ideologies--neither are they, in my opinion. Most Democrats I know were born that way and seek to define or interpret their party's philosophy to meet their true beliefs. O'Reilly calls this "spin". For many of them, an election is like a football game. The goal is to win. To h--l with the character of the players. But I see elections, especially this last one, as being attuned to life or death (for our country), as potentially charting the future for America or the rejection of America's prior greatness. To me, the danger signs are all lit and the outcome right now appears dismal.

I was once a "Bush man" but now only so with major restraints. I am not nor have I ever been a McCain supporter. I did vote for him--actually, a vote against Obama.

The election was essentially over before it started--long ago. A dubious but eloquent orator, a Bush antithesis, was sought out, supported by thugs and other very rich left-wingers, to include our county's traditional enemies. The Democrat party continued its 8 year long anti-Bush rhetoric and attempted to manufacture various country-wide "crises" which, by the way, got a bit out of hand and beyond their control. On the other hand, Republican leadership, if we dare call it that, proved at least ineffective if not outright supportive of the Democrats' traitorous efforts. Let me say again, the Democrats did not bamboozle Americans alone, they had Republican help, either intentionally or unintentionally (if the latter, = gross negligence !).

We have now elected a President who has no background or experience for governing. He has promised just about everything to everybody (but a select few) and will not be able to even meet their needs and especially their desires. This alone will become his first major obstacle--a rebellious discontent from within his own powerbase. If he attempts to promote his expressed agenda, will the Democrat controlled congress back him or not ? A prudent congress, Dem or Repub, would not. But the Dems have shown themselves since '06 not to be very prudent, effective or pro-American.

I do suspect that the one most "shocked" by the Obama election to the Presidency is Obama himself. I also suspect that the Democrat congress. with the possible exception of Pelosi, was hoping for Hilary and that Obama would have been far down on the list of many. But we have Obama and, according to my scripture, God's chosen (God does work in mysterious ways :). We also have a Democrat controlled congress, God's chosen. But we do have a congress that is out of control, ineffective, and negligent. This includes both partys.

The Democrat Party is about 70% liberal, 20% moderate and 10% conservative. The Republican Party is about 80% conservative and 20% moderate. (In my opinion, "moderate" = "nothing". Liberals base their ideology on emotions plus avoidance of personal responsibility or just "let the government do it for me". Many, if not most, liberals see no relationship between government and the tax payer. They have no regard for the latter, just seeing them as greedy, rich individuals or corporations. Essentially, they bite the hand that feeds them.

Conservatives, as myself, want limited gov't--let the gov't build highways, defend us and possibly run the post office. We accept and thrive on personal responsibility, to include the voluntary support of those less fortunate than ourselves--but for none of the 24/7 activists.(my wife and I exceeded both Biden and Obama in personal charitable donations in '07 and ? '08, far exceeded !--and on far less income than either. (I would not permit an immediate family member to starve or live in a hut, especially if I were constantly berating those who do so). Conservatives believe in strict interpretation of the constitution and most of us accept both civil and spiritual law as binding, except for any glaring conflicts--then the spiritual wins out.

Obama has been elected and so have the congressmen(women). They are our current leaders, for good or bad, so to speak. For the most part, their laws will be all our laws whether agreed with or not. So what can conservatives do to reclaim dominance ?

1. Lead respectable lives--disregard the media anecdotes and "searches for Christians who sin"--as we all do.

2. Vocally support Dem(Obama) policies when correct or good for the country but vehemently oppose others in a legal way. Don't pray for or even wish for Dem. failures as the Dems have done for Bush for 8 long years. It's America's survival and prosperity that is at stake and not just those of the politicians.

3. Join and support a formed or "to-be-formed" vocal conservative organization that will speak loudly and widely for us conservatives--not just anti-liberal but pro-conservative. I'm searching and researching in this regard. I welcome input/suggestions.

4. Consider promoting nationwide for 2010 & 2012: clean the house (congress)-vote all in, out (problem #1:decent, qualified candidates will be hard to come by under today's electoral conditions; Problem #2: our biased media currently rules; problem #3: the average I.Q. of Americans is reported to be 98=low normal--must be less based on recent election results. Thus, we must at least improve public education--the Dems would find that counter productive).

Summary: our country is in deep trouble. Bush deserves about 10% or less of the blame and I say this as one who is not totally enamored with Bush (he has kept us safe ! The country will survive in some way but for it to retain its level of prior power and prosperity, conservatives (Dem & Repub) must take charge.

Since you are now empowered, I urge you rational Democrats to let Obama & congress know your true feelings. If truly rational, I suspect we'd mostly agree that the currently socialistic agendas will fail as they have already failed here and elsewhere. In our area, I have observed blacks behaving as if they just won a lottery--and maybe so. However, the euphoria will pass (? weeks,months, a year) and although Obama might meet their needs, he won't be able to meet their desires. Here, Obama will meet his first major internal obstacle. For the sake of America, pray that both Obama & congress are successful in restoring America's greatness which the Democrats have nearly destroyed in their effort to destroy George Bush. Hate is at best, an erratic motivator which usually brings downfall to the hater. Let's not get caught up in that web !

Finally, our security: What do you believe the Muslims (Islam's) find most offensive about our country. It's our liberalism, spawned by the very ones who express favor for the terrorists. I would not be at all surprised to see their next bomb fall on Hollywood.

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